Also known as Atopic Dermatitis, this condition is manifested by dry, itchy skin. It affects 20% children less than 14 years old. Skin of those with eczema appears dry and it may present with crusting and scaling. If one parent has atopy then there is a 60% chance the child will. When both parents are affected it increases to 80%.
Most cases begin during the infant year. With eczema the skin has a decreased ability to bind water. Triggers may include: food allergies, temperature changes, irritating soaps and lotions. Eczema can affect any part of the body. Facial involvement is common with infants. Children may have itchy, dry skin in elbow creases and behind knees. Chronic “itch-scratch” cycles can lead to infection and an increase in skin thickness.
100% cotton clothing and bedding
avoidance of perfumed soaps and lotions
less than 15-minute baths
thicker ointment such as Aquaphor; application after bath.
Prescription topical steroid as anti-inflammatory